Long Term Live-in Care | Able Community Care
Live-in careAble Community CareTypes of CareKHM Group

For many people, the prospect of moving out of their own home and into a residential care home can be very upsetting. Being moved out of familiar and comfortable surroundings can cause considerable stress and anxiety. Live-In Care offers an alternative solution.
At Able Community Care, we help people to stay and continue living in their own homes by providing a fully supported Live-in Care Home Service. Able live-in carers help with all the day-to-day things that are part of living independently in your own home, such as:
To ensure that we can care for and look after someone 365 days a year at home, for as long as they wish, we will provide a fortnightly rota system of their chosen live-in carers so they will always know who will be looking after them.
At Able Community Care, we understand that every person we care for is an individual and has their own way of life, their own way of doing things.
We aim to tailor our service to meet your requirements, this includes a named care manager for easy contact and communication with the reassurance of a 24 hour, professional, on-call service, staffed by our own care managers.
Click the button below to fill out our application form and we will be back in touch within 24 hours.
Able Community Care offers a no-cost initial assessment visit to discuss your personal needs and to give you and your family and/or friends the opportunity to ask us more about the service we provide.
After this visit, an offer of care letter is sent to you setting out a Live-in Care service plan, including the full cost.
If you would like to know more about Live-in Care, please contact us on 01603 764567 or email us at info@ablecommunitycare.com